Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I create an account?

How do I modify information in my account?

How to unsubscribe from the newsletter?

How do I delete my account?

How to favorite an ad?

Sell ​​on Archers Market & Manage My Ads

How do I submit an ad?

To post an ad, simply click on the “add an ad” button at the top right on your computer or in the left menu from your phone.

Log in ou Create an account

Then you will just have to follow the steps and validate your ad submission.

We recommend following the recommendations in the following question to optimize your ad.

How do I optimize my ad?

How do I delete my ad?

How do I put photos on my ad?

I sold my item, what should I do?

I would like to modify my ad or its price: how do I do it?

My ad is "Pending": why?

How do I promote my ad?

Expired ad, how do I reactivate my ad?

Buy on Archers Market

How to buy materials for an ad on Archers Market ?

How does secure payment work?

How to avoid scams and buy safely?

Why choose secure payment?


The product received does not conform to its description

I do not receive the purchased product

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